Kathleen Suzette 's Books
A very well recieved series by Kathleen Suzette are the books, featuring tropes. The most popular books are Fish Fry and a Murder, Plum Dead, Fudgy Fatality: A Pumpkin Hollow Mystery, book 10, Hot Cider and a Murder, Gingerbread and a Murder, Death in the Garden, Wedding Bell Blunders: A Freshly Baked Cozy Mystery, Birthday Cake and a Murder, Caramel Killer: A Pumpkin Hollow Mystery, book 12, Chocolate Heart Killer: A Pumpkin Hollow Mystery, book 14, Roast Turkey and a Murder, Pumpkin Spice Lies: A Pumpkin Hollow Mystery, book 16, Barbecue and a Murder, Red, White, and Blue Murder, Appliqued to Death, Confectionately Dead, which was published in 2022.
Fish Fry and a Murder
Plum Dead
Fudgy Fatality: A Pump
Hot Cider and a Murder
Gingerbread and a Murd
Death in the Garden
Wedding Bell Blunders:
Birthday Cake and a Mu
Caramel Killer: A Pump
Chocolate Heart Killer
Roast Turkey and a Mur
Pumpkin Spice Lies: A
Barbecue and a Murder
Red, White, and Blue M
Appliqued to Death
Confectionately Dead